
Christmas is about love, not gifts!
We at FÄRG MAKEUP & ACADEMY are sad to read about the report from the university of Lund that says that your unwanted returned gifts are more likely to end up at the dumpster than sold and bought by someone else. The two most effected industries are the fashion and electronic industry according to the study but we know our own industry is just as bad! Therefor we want to offer our customers a way to ensure their unwanted gifts ends up where it will actually be used and useful by launching our campaign #ReturnedWithLove.
The campaign aims to minimize the waste caused by unhealthy shopping habits and. capitalist system that we too play a role in, even if we try to take a huge responsibility in everything we do as a company and brand. The campaign is a collaboration with the human rights organization Black lives matter Sweden whom is also in charge of donating all gifts to those in need. To submit a unwanted gift contact us via Instagram @fargmakeup or use the hashtag #ReturnedWithLove to book a time for drop off. Your giftcard will be activated instantly and is valid throughout all of 2023. For each gift you get a giftcard of 500SEK* and your gift must be whole, clean and original.
Are you one of the lucky ones who got everything on your wishlist? Join our cause and spread the word by sharing a tips of how to make Christmas less about consumption and more about love. Use the hashtag #ReturnedWithLove so we can find you!
/Aysha Jones & Team FÄRG
*Gifts with a value under 350SEK will be compensated with a giftcard of 100SEK.
Please note that our offer is limited and we reserv the rights to decline a gift we deem inapropreate, fraudulent etc.